Learn from a diverse selection of agents from ERA Live Moore and our family of companies as they share their insightsfrom individual sales practices and go-to resources, to the tools and habits that have helped them achieve success.

Feb, 2025

Time and duration

0:42 - What actions are most productive for the coming year? (2 minutes)
3:50 - RealScout introduction video - (4 minutes)
7:30 - Agents share their experience with RealScout - (6 minutes)
13:18 - Reverse Prospecting - (3 minutes)
16:28 - What's the most productive way to market to past clients - (4 minutes)
21:08 - QR codes - (1 minute)
22:10 - Other ways to reach out to your people (3 minutes)
25:15 - Other lead generation tools outside of your sphere - (4 minutes)
30:07 - Tips on how to avoid conflict with the agent on the other side of the transaction (9 minutes)
40:44 - AI & Studio AI

Jan, 2025

Time and duration

0:17 - Announcements: (1 minute)
1:27 - Panel Introductions (1.5 minutes)
3:54 - How do you prepare for a listing? (12 minutes)
17:35 - Handling pricing objections (3 minutes)
20:51 - Walking away from a listing (9 minutes)
30:57 - Using ERA Tools for Listings (3 minutes)
34:34 - Importance of staying in flow with your SOI and previous clients (3 minutes)
37:44 - Personal interaction with past clients - 95% of my business (4 minutes)
42:45 - Alex Fidel talks about an exciting 2025 Fuel in San Diego (10 minutes)
52:25 - Enhancing your brand (6 minutes)
59:30 - Bringing in a competitor Top Producer speaker (2 minutes)

Dec, 2024

Time and duration

1:06 - New agents (0.5 minutes)
3:13 - No Rejection with Ninja (1 minute)
4:34 - Income Distribution (1.5 minute)
8:57 - Larry Kendall Ninja Selling Book and Audio Book (4 minutes)
12:33 - Difference between a top producer and a Ninja (5 minutes)
17:23 - On-Purpose and On-Accident (3 minutes)
23:47 - Concern, Influence and Control (2 minutes)
26:01 - Price Vs Quality (1.5 minute)
28:41 - Answering the "Agent Fee" question (5 minutes)
34:06 - Contacting your buyer/seller afterwards (3.5 minutes)
39:30 - With Ninja, the Closing is the Start of the Relationship (2 minutes)
42:09 - Consistency and Referrals (1 minute)
43:18 - FLOW (2 minutes)
48:03 - Is Ninja coming to NC? (1 minute)
49:20 - Ninja Success Story #1 (1 minute)
51:35 - Another Success Story (1 minute)
53:57 - Another Ninja Experience (1.5 minute)
55:22 - Another Ninja (Book) experience (2 minutes)

Nov, 2024

Time and duration

0:10 - Agenda (1 minute)
1:22 - New Agents (1 minute)
2:00 - Business Planning Event (7 minutes)
10:10 - Move Up Marketing Campaign (8 minutes)
17:44 - Posting together to our Social Accounts (6 minutes)
28:21 - Form changes - Buyer Agency Agreement Form 201 (7 minutes)
35:28 - New Form 202 (1 minute)
36:23 - Form 220 change (2 minutes)
38:45 - Form 220G Guidelines (2 minutes)
44:52 - Important Question and a great tip on Form 220 (2 minutes)

Summary of October Changes to NC Forms

Oct, 2024

Time and duration

0:00 - Hispanic Heritage Month - NAHREP link (6minutes)
6:00 - Hurricane Helene in our area (7 minutes)
13:10 - Announcements - Bookclub (Ninja Edition). Alex's coaching series (2 minutes)
15:25 - New Agents. CMA-a-Day Contest (3 minutes)
18:44 - A great system for Buyer's Representation Practices from Rachel Rowell (9 minutes)
27:13 - Monet Allen. Faculty sponsor lunch with great results ( 4 minutes)
31:28 - Corey Maman. Using the relocation program. Asking for help (5 minutes)
37:43 - Patrick O'Gorman. Keeping an open mind and establishing boundaries for yourself (4 minutes)
42:47 - Q&A. Working with real estate agents and buyer pre-approval (3 minutes)
45:15 - Form 220 policy in the future; signed by all parties (0.5 minutes)
45:55 - Q&A. Builders not wanting to discuss your compensation (7 minutes)
52:27 - Q&A. Clarification on who signs Form 220 (2 minutes)
54:36 - Q&A More clarification on signing Form 220 (4 minutes)

Sept, 2024

Time and duration

0:00 - Agenda (0.5 minutes)

1:45 - Are you feeling burned out and if so, why? (1.5 mins)

3:25 - End of Year Goal Planning - 5 questions. (3.5 mins)

7:53 - What are other agents doing to help with the burn-out (1 min)

9:26 - Looking back on the year to get leads (5 mins)

14:44 - Stay in your lane. Let your lender do their jobs. (1.5 minutes)

17:20 - Very important - know your numbers (2 minutes)

20:05 - Choose your Lenders (3.5 mins)

23:55 - Great CMA Tip (1.5 min)

30:40 - CMA and BMA training (3.5 mins)

34:16 - Listing Presentation class (3 mins)

37:30 - Can lenders allow compensation to be included (3.5 mins)

43:12 - 220 form, agent experiences so far (7 mins)

50:24 - Getting your compensation from the buyer (2 mins)

52:20 - Other ways to get your compensation (1 min)

53:21 - Great way to help buyers with questions (1.5 mins)

56:35 - Don't discount. Don't undervalue your services. (3.5 mins)

1:02:35 - Google Form for buyer agent compensation (0.5 mins)

Aug, 2024

Time and duration

0:00 - Quick tip for Listing Agents (1 minute)

4:20 - How to get warm leads (8.5 mins)

5:30 - 5 calls you need to make with past clients to get leads (12 mins)

8:39 - Find their need. Fill their need - Get a referral (2 mins)

18:10 - Starting conversations with your VIPs (3 mins)

21:11 - Doing Events (4 mins)

25:30 - Building your vendor list to become a resource (2.5 mins)

35:25 - Charity Drives (1 minute)

38:09 - Barry's promise to bring you business in the next 2 years (4 mins)

40:41 - Forms; 220, 715, 770 (7 mins)

47:54 - Due Diligence (2T), Relocation, HOA fees, allowing access (3 mins)

51:18 - Agency Agreements signed before 08/01/24? (1 min)

52:10 - New Property Disclosure form (8 mins)

1:00:16 - Questions on Disclosures (1.5 mins)

1:03:30 - Eb talks. Make the call! 95%, 3%, and 2%. Some Real Estate stats (15 mins)

July, 2024 - 6 Month Recap & Forms Review

Time and duration

00:36 - Where are you at right now with your business, 6 months in? (6 mins)

08:09 - Use this phraise "I need your help!" (8.5 mins)

20:43 - Monet Allen question: Good networking tips. Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams (4 mins)

25:52 - Kim Dunnagan question: What are the top agents doing to turn their business? (1.5 min)

27:29 - Form changes because of NAR settlement (4 Forms)

30:22 - 1. OTP, Offer to Purchase (4 mins)

34:03 - 2. Listing Agreement (5.5 mins)

39:48 - 3. Buyer's Agency Agreement (5 mins)

44:52 - 4. 220 Comp Form (4 mins)



49:10 - Should you submit your 220 with your offer as a best practice? (3 mins)

53:10 - If I'm showing 10 listings one day do I complete 10 220s beforehand? (2 mins)

55:25 - What about sales now and up until August 17th? (3 mins)

58:04 - Jim: STEERING. (1.5 mins)

59:31 - Don't be put off when it appears that there's no compensation. It's all negotable. (2.5 Mins)

1:02:52 - Do we have to have a buyer's agency meeting before we show a house (3 mins)

June, 2024 - Listings

Time and duration

0:18 - 2 Coaching series; The Listing Series and Alex's Coaching Series

2:19 - Farming

3:52 - Summary of Alex's Listing Series. The Monday call.

5:46 - It's just a check-in call

6:36 - 19 appointments! from "how are you calls".

7:52 - The Friday call. Review your week's work.

11:42 - Jim: License Renewal, NC and SC. Contracts/Form changes (2.5 mins)

16:10 - Upcoming classes

21:30 - What supports/resources we provide and what you can do for us?

April, 2024 - Events:
How and Why

Time and duration

0:00 - Am I using the knowledge from previous Masterminds? (12 min)

12:07 - Why am I a realtor (1 min) 

13:44 - Events (4 fears, 1 big one) (1 min)

15:37 - Growth Gatherings removes 3 of these fears (0.5 min)

16:07 - 3 reasons we make phone calls and who do we call (4 min)

26:46 - Keep the event consistent and FUN! (3.5 min)

30:45 - Try Blended Activities (2 min)

34:40 - Ice cream Sunday (1 min)

39:32 - Elizabeth Scott (Wilkesboro Office). I did a First Home Buyers Event (1 min)

40:52 - Antonya Windham (Raleigh Office) experiencing event problems - how to handle (2 min)

44:50 - Good way to get a vendor to support your event (1 min)

46:20 - What happens when your event tanks? (1 min)

47:29 - Sheila Garcia Holloway (Jacksonville Office). Great tips for partnering (1.5 min)

51:08 - Relocation (2 min)

54:12 - My vision. Am I doing the work to fund my Vision (1 min)

55:55 - Recap (4 min)

March, 2024 - Coaching Excellence and Fuel Recap

Time and duration

1:19 - How to stay organized (4 minutes)

8:46 - What clients need our help with (1 minute)

13:10 - Fuel - Tami Newman - Equity Review (3 minutes)

17:08 - Fuel -Bob Bunzey - Phone contacts, repeat customers (3 minutes)

22:57 - Fuel - Antonya Windham - talks about a $12M rookie (2 minutes)

27:17 - Fuel - Flint - stay in touch with your best people, your database. (7 minutes)


Additional resources [Downloads]:

Tips for your top 40 favorite people

What to ask your favorite people

How to have that meeting

What to talk about 

More sample questions

Your list

February, 2024 - Polish YOUR Profile

Time and duration

1:32 - Outgoing referrals (2 minutes)
6:23 - Splits (15 seconds)
6:41 - Why people relocate (1.5 minutes)
8:07 - Tip for a great social post (40 seconds)
8:55 - How do I send a referral (10 seconds)
12:45 - Importance of a good Bio and Headshot (4 minutes)
16:55 - Your free Website (1.5 minutes)
18:30 - Zillow and Realtor.com (2 minutes)
21:01 - Google My Business (2.5 minutes)
23:35 - Facebook & Instagram (3 minutes)
27:03 - *Checklists (6 minutes)
36:20 - Color tip - Use Navy (30 seconds)
36:50 - Setup Google My Business if you haven't done so (1 minute)
40:30 - Curated Strategies - Who we are (1 minute)
41:35 - Print and Digital Marketing services (4 minutes)
45:40 - We also help you with your website - Example websites - Agent 1   Agent 2   Google Agent 3
47:32 - Social Media subscriptions (1 minute)
48:26 - Set-it-and-forget-it Direct Mail Campaign. Done For You sign-up form (10 minutes)
1:00:53 - Curated Strategy Services.


Polish Your Profile Presentations

January, 2024 - CMA Best Practice

Time and duration

1:34 - Antonya Windham. What I do to generate leads (1 minute)
3:31 - Angela Kalamaras, Hailey Stagg and Gary Bryan. CMA-A-Day (8minutes)
12:47 - Bob Bunzey. - ERA pays upfront costs for staging, repairs, and updating. RealVitalize Tool (12 minutes)
25:16 - Tami Newman, Moxi, "most beautiful CMA" (11 minutes)

26:14 - Jim Shields. CMA Training. (2 minutes)

31:20 - TextERA Tool (1 minute)
32:03 - Barry. Dinner and Game Night (2:30 minutes)
35:09 - Interest Rates. Jeremy (3 minutes)
40:20 - Evidence of the Market picking up. (2 minutes)
43:28 - Eb wrap-up (4 minutes)


Additional Resources

CMA Training Video

Training Calendar (Jan for CMA Training)

December, 2023 - Working on Your Database

Time and duration

4:00 - Flint Foley - Filling in the holes in your database (3 minutes)
7:10 - Barry Draughon - What I do every year. A word on bird-dogging (5 minutes)
12:00 - Flint Foley - The wrapping paper exercise. You don’t sell to your database. (8 min)
20:40 - Eb Moore - Swiss Cheese (see Nov Masterminds), 10-5-2 exercise. (4 minutes)
25:08 - Business planning - (6 minutes)
35:45 - Eb talks to Flint about his background (13 minutes)
48:30 - Opportunities in Real Estate today (4 minutes)
53:04 - When should you talk to your database about Real Estate? (1 minute)
55:50 - Lenders - Live Moore Lending Call Jeremy @ 314-249-9180 (3 minutes)
